Diagnosing Lung Nodules
Robotic Bronchoscopy
Lung cancer claims more lives each year than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined. One challenge with lung cancer is it is difficult to diagnose safely and reliably when it is in an early, more treatable stage.
Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center offers robotic bronchoscopy, for a more accurate diagnosis, earlier.

Comparing Bronchoscopies
The Benefits of Robotic Bronchoscopy
With robotic bronchoscopy, physicians can view and biopsy small nodules in the periphery of the lungs – helping to diagnose and subsequently treat lung cancer at its smallest and earliest stage.
Robotic bronchoscopy offers better diagnostic capabilities and higher diagnostic yield than other methods. It reaches farther than traditional bronchoscope and diagnoses with fewer complications than more invasive procedures such as transthoracic needle aspiration (TTNA).
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Our Specialists
Thoracic Surgeon
Robotic Bronchoscopy